Not a day goes by without hearing about the demand for IT workers. The sector is just exploding, they say. If you're in tech, that means this is your moment.
Don't waste it; be smart, and make sure you're going for the highest paid IT jobs. Look for job roles with elements that will most challenge and interest you, to keep you not only earning well but absolutely loving what you do.
For a list of the highest paying IT jobs in 2019, an idea of the skills they require, and what you'll actually do in them, read on!

Show Me the Best IT Jobs
We hear of these tech companies with fuze ball, nap, and meditation rooms. The story goes that they offer these office perks because they're all competing so hard for limited IT talent. For example, Google Zurich, Red Bull London, and iSelect all have slides in their offices.
It might be worth your while not just looking at wages and the office space, but the perks they offer outside the office design.
Spotify offers free egg freezing. Genentech has an onsite spa and carwash. Netflix gives unlimited Parental Leave.
You can check out the best perks when you interview. But how do you connect with the best pay for your abilities? Let's take a look at the highest paying IT jobs.
Highest Paying IT Jobs
The most sought-after roles are those that need code, software or data. Software engineers and software development engineers are roles employers are almost always looking for. But that doesn't mean they are the ones where you'll earn the most money.
Want to find out which IT roles will set you up best financially? Let's take a look at the best averages paid in the IT industry.
Software Engineering Manager
According to open roles on Glassdoor, a software engineering manager can earn $163,500 on average. They supervise other software engineers, giving their role extra importance to the organization. In this role, you would assist in developing new computer software, and improve and problem-solve computer programs that have already been created.
Data Warehouse Architect
In the role of data warehouse architect, you can earn something like $154,800 on average. The data warehouse is the wholesale information storage that businesses accumulate. With today's increasing focus on using customer data for business insight, and on the adequate protection of that customer data, this job is an important one.
You'll be responsible for designing how information can be safely and securely stored and accessed with ease when data needs analysis.
Software Development Manager
Earning roughly $153,300 per year, in this role you supervise lower-level software developers. You'll be organizing the creative ideas that create computer programs and apps. This requires some understanding of UX as well as the back-end systems that run both devices and networks.
Infrastructure Architect
If you're keen to build the data communication networks that support an organization, you could earn $153,000, on average. You'll need extensive knowledge of the company's business plan so you can bring their business vision to life from a network and technical standpoint.
Applications Architect
Earn $149,000 by designing and improving apps on client's computers, smartphones or in wordprocessors and computer games. You'll run testing programs before apps go to the market and for any updates. You might even be roped into brainstorming what sort of apps a company could use and develop.
Software Architect
You can earn around $145,400 in this role, that's a little similar to the role of an enterprise architect. You'll make high-level calls on software development, and the organization will expect you to anticipate and avoid problems and technology fails in the app or software design.
Technical Program Manager
The technical program manager can make $145,000. In this role, you handle all elements of technical projects for a company. You'll use your organization and people skills to start and track a project from inception to successful handover.
You'll be motivating the team, problem-solving and keeping the client happy. You'll set schedules for workers and the project, and may liaise between engineers, sales, and customers. You're the face of the project, which can terrify some and thrill others!
Enterprise Architect
In this role, earn $144,400 to be the meat in the sandwich between the IT department and the business side of the company. You'll ensure the vision of the business is carried out from a technical standpoint. That means ensuring the business goals of the company are supported by the IT strategy.
In this role, you'll need to be able to speak two 'languages' - that of IT, and the business development language of the C-Suite. You'll be a translator of sorts between these two areas.
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineers work right alongside business operations teams, developers, and IT staff to supervise the deployment of new software. If problems are going to present in the software, it's usually at the moment of deployment. That's why this is a role requiring strong problem-solving skills and an ability to stay cool under pressure.
In this role, you'll help a company release quick fixes, features, and quickly be able to incorporate changes. You can typically earn around $137,400, which is a nice reward for a fast-paced, satisfying role.
Information Security Engineer
Information security engineers typically earn $131,300. They plan and implement security processes to protect the systems and networks of their organization. You'll be what stands between the organization and cyber attacks or security breaches.
It's a high-pressure role that can be a perfect fit for adrenaline junkies who enjoy solving problems and analyzing data. You'll look into security violations, carry out penetration testing, and even develop security standards for the company. You'll do this through software, firewalls, and focusing on encryption to keep sensitive information secure and protected.
The Entry-Level List
If you're reading this and thinking it's all well and good for those with experience, but you're entry-level and still want the big bucks. No problem - here's a list just for you. The highest-paying entry-level positions in IT are as follows:
- Data Scientist
- Product Manager
- Developer
- Mobile Developer
- Sales Engineer
Know What You Want
If you don't know what you want, you can't expect to find it quickly. We recommend you sit down and make a list of your expectations. This means more than how many zeroes you want at the end of your salary.
It means also considering where you want to work, and how much flexibility you need for home office and time off.
Are you considering or do you already have a young family? You might want the option to start and finish your day early for daycare and school pick up. The company's paternity leave conditions might be something you want to read in the fine print before you start work.
At the job itself, what relationship do you want with your boss? How much autonomy do you expect in your day-to-day tasks?
Typically, when we start out we want the option of supervision and support in our learning phase. As we get more experienced, we want some breathing space and the opportunity to create and collaborate.
Whatever it is you most want in an IT job, make a note of it, and ask recruiters about how much it matches what they're offering.
How to Make Sure It's a Culture Fit
To make sure this company is for you, check out online reviews like those on Glassdoor. See what others say about their interview and job experience to get a clearer idea if it's really somewhere you want to be.
You can check out online networking platforms to see if anyone you studied with currently works there. Take them out for a coffee in exchange for some inside information. Ask professional IT recruiters what they know about the company.
This is especially important if there seems to be a huge recruitment drive underway - is the company expanding, or just bleeding staff from poor management and rotten conditions?
If you do get to interview, really have your antennae out there to get a feel for the place. Not just the interviewers, but everyone from reception and security to the people you share the elevator with. Are people happy, open and friendly, or do they seem to be miserably counting the minutes til 4:59 pm?
Get the Job, Then Get Ahead
Once you've landed the job, it's time to focus on soft skills. That's because the more digital the world gets, the more we prize the human factor. That's the ability to show empathy, to be self and socially aware, to innovate, collaborate, and to gain client trust.
These human skills, also known as soft skills or emotional intelligence (EQ), are the factors machines will never be able to do better. While you can't improve your IQ, you can improve your EQ through observation, learning, and practice.
To get the edge over your colleagues in the IT industry, focus on those soft skills!
Go Get That IT Job!
So, there you have it, my tech friend. The jobs with the greatest amount of vacancies aren't necessarily the highest paid. Now you've gone through our list, you can narrow down to the roles that best fit your particular skill set and interests.
What happens next? Well, you can spend your days scrolling through job vacancies and having to sell yourself to companies, perhaps only to realize it's a bad fit for you.
The other option is to talk to an IT staffing firm who are the experienced specialists in this area. You can tell them about your interests and skills, and wait for them to bring you the best IT jobs your way.
Don't waste your time earning less than you deserve for your sought-after skillset: get in touch with professionals at Myticas Consulting today!